Pancakes dont have to just be a treat day thing… these are so simple AND healthy that you can have them every day…! In a food processer, simply whizz up the following: + 1 ripe banana+ 2 eggs+ 1/2 Cup  of any “Dry ingredient” eg Oat Flour (being just oats ground up), Buckwheat Flour or … More **NECTARINE PANCAKES**


These are a gorgeous little gift if you have a friend who has had a baby recently… if nothing else they are an energy boost needed to keep mama going! OATS: Contain saponins (an immune-stimulating compound that can help increase levels of prolactin –  a key hormone for milk production.) BREWERS YEAST: This ingredient is … More **LACTATION COOKIES**


This is another “recipe” that barely deserves a recipe… you can really add whatever you have in your pantry to your tray, bake it up, and enjoy it for breakfast as a delicious & nutrient dense option!   Ingredients:  Water / 1/3 cup of honey 1/2 cup melted coconut oil 1/2 Cup of shaved Coconut … More **BREKKIE GRANOLA**


SHAKSHUKA, or baked eggs, are a Northern Africa / Middle Eastern dish that looks good and is SO easy to whip up at home on the weekend. It’s really just an easy “one pot” recipe of eggs baked in a tomato and paprika sauce. You simply mix the sauce together fairly quickly on the stove, … More **SHAKSHUKA**


Always trying to battle my chocolate addiction with #balance and getting my 10 veggies in a day…. so here are some Zucchini Choc Chip Cookies to try. MOIST. INGREDIENTS: 1 large zucchini, grated 1 1/2 cups almond flour/grated 1/2 cup choc chips (I used white) 2 Tbspn Cacao (or leave out if you prefer less chocolatey) 1/2 … More **ZUCCHINI COOKIES**