
Hello, I’m Mel. I live in London and by day spend my time working in The City but in my free time I have begun trying to create delicious meals to share with the people I love.  There is nothing more enjoyable than sitting down with friends for a fresh, colourful dinner you’ve prepared and hearing the praise come flowing back…!

After my friends and family got sick of my constant photo message barrage of my culinary creations, we realised I needed an outlet in another form, for all my attempted food creativity and passion, and so PWpantry instagram was born… See here what you think!  http://instagram.com/pwpantry

PW Pantry is a blog dedicated to the love of food and cooking. I don’t have a specific cooking regime, but with a boyfriend who is Paleo and my own interest in gluten free / wheat free options, I often try to experiment with those. I am currently studying for a Nutritional Therapist Accreditation so hopefully some of what I learn can be included in some of the recipe ideas… but as a real sugar and chocolate lover this isn’t going to be a green-vegan-everything-healthy sort of blog. I don’t really cook with recipes, but I’ll try my best to measure or guesstimate the ingredients I use on here.

In summary, this is just a selection of feel good food that’s semi good for you…

I hope you like what you see, and I would love to hear any feedback from you!

Mel x

PW Pantry


Interview for Sharp’s Home:
View at Medium.com

Link to Bospasa Guest Blogger Recipes for Dubai’s Biggest Wellness Site:

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Mel,

    My company is the only importer of Coconut Gold – 100% Raw Cold Pressed Coconut Oil from Sri Lanka. I very much like your web and the idea of sharing your recipes with the public. Considering you also have knowledge in nutritional benefits of natural products, I would very much like to send you a bottle of Coconut Gold for you to use and to let me have your valued opinion on the same. I am also in the process of importing other organic coconut products to UK such as desiccated coconut and coconut flour to those who seek pure natural products and to those who wish to follow a Paleo, gluten free and wheat free diet. You can see full details at http://www.uniqueukltd.com. Should you be interested in trying Coconut Gold with my compliments, please email me a delivery address and it would be a pleasure to send you a bottle.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Mel,

    My name is Alice and I represent The Avenue, a London-based, family run cookery school in South West London. I’m a big fan of your blog, your content is so strong and your pictures are just mouthwatering!

    I’d love to personally invite you to our Vegan Class press event at 7pm on 23rd November. We’re inviting a number of food bloggers and writers to the evening, so as well as being great fun, it will be a good social opportunity.

    Please let me know if you are available to come – we hope you can join us!
    I look forward to hearing from you soon!


  3. Did you lose your Kindle on the 1833 out of Paddington this evening? If so, I have it and would like to return it, I was sat opposite you.


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