
Happy New Year everyone!

As I’m sure each of you are, along with the rest of the world, I am trying to begin January with a DETOX (instead of THE BLUES….!)

The easiest and most effective way to do this is to add antioxidants to your system in the form of greens in to your daily diet… and the tastiest way to do that is to disguise them in to your morning routine…

The below recipe is one I love for its vibrant GREENNESS but grab any fruits and veggies and blend your way to bliss…!

  • 1 Apple
  • 1 Ripe Banana
  • 2 Kiwis
  • 1 Handful of Kale leaves
  • 1 Handful of Baby Spinach leaves
  • Squeeze of Lemon & Grated Fresh Ginger
  • Scoop of Chlorella (Chlorophyll green supplement!)

Combine the fruit, leafs and extras in to a smoothie maker and blend until smooth. Oh, and I can’t recommend the Nutribullet enough – it will change your smoothie and juice making life!

I’ve listed some other good options below, but top tip is to make sure to always include Spinach! :
Berries, Peaches, Mango, Cucumber, Broccoli (trust me!), Avocado, Celery, Ground Flaxseeds, Root Ginger, Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds, and finally some Almond Milk or 100% Fat Free Organic Yoghurt to give it some creaminess.

Healthy Tip: Don’t make your smoothie a sugar bomb! For nutrient-dense flavour use more vegetables over fruit if possible, and use whole fruit instead of bought juices.

Until Next Time, MPW x

Instagram – @PWpantry  

3 thoughts on “** GREEN GODDESS JUICE **

  1. The banana and and kiwi really help mask the taste of the super healthy chlorella and kale leaves in this one.
    So good and still really healthy! Perfect start to my uni studies thanks PWPANTRY!

    Liked by 1 person

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